As I mentioned in a blog post last year, I went to my first formal FIRE conference in March 2024: Space Camp for Money Nerds Econome. The conference was well run, and very fun. I give it two thumbs up. My one “problem” with the conference was that I already knew much of what was…
Present and Clear
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I am a staggeringly dim-witted buffoon the optionality that financial independence provides is hands down the best part of FIRE. It may not be worth a death march to obtain. But a few bumps and bruises? Probly, yes. Or at least a broken whatsitcalled. You know,…
A Tale of Two Siblings
Fun fact about your humble blogger. He has a sibling. In keeping with the complex naming convention that I use on this blog to refer to people in my life, this person will hereafter be referred to as The Sibling. Message received Anyhoo, The Sibling is about three years my junior. We lived together until…
The Same, But Different
I write a lot about changing things up on this blog. Usually about how I used to be an ignorant idiot and now am ever so slightly less of an ignorant idiot we made all sorts of personal finance changes after discovering FIRE. But now, three years of being a good-for-nothing layabout removed from my…
Hack in the Box
As I’ve mentioned before in these here pages, I consumes lotsa FIRE content (with my favorite media being blogs). Tho I am trying to cut down on this a bit, It’s hard habit to break. In some cases because I feel like I’m reading or watching a story unfold and want to keep reading on….
Blogs Are Dying. Long Live the Blogs.
When I discovered FIRE in 2016. I’d never read any blog before. I don’t think I’d even read a single blog post for that matter. Sure, I knew of blogs. I’d come across some on interwebs searches. And probly some had been recommended to me over the years. But nary a word of one had…
The Million-Dollar Minimum-Wage Job
As I’ve detailed several times in these here bits and bytes pages, I took a part-time job in 2022. I took it to earn income during that year’s garbage markets environment. And kinda sorta as funemployment. In both respects, mission accomplished. On first glance, the job don’t pay baller money. But there’s more to the story. …
I Lived a Life I Thought I Wanted to Live to Live a Life I Actually Wanted to Live
Be good. Be smart. Get good grades. Challenge yourself as much as practicable. Get into a good college and do well there. Get a well-paying job. Get promoted, then lather, rinse, and repeat. Save money (“save” being undefined). Buy a house. Get married. Take nice vacations and buy lots of nice things (“nice” = expensive,…
You Are an Obsession, You’re My Obsession
Having prattled on blogged about who knows what personal finance for going on five years, you might assume I’m not just a little interested in the subject. And, for the 1s of you who read my Money, Man! series of posts, about money in general. Some might even call me obsessed about these subjects. The…
It’s Easier to Not Think About It . . . Until It’s Not
I’m a big fan of JL Collins. He’s smart, an entertaining writer, and good at making big (and often complex) subjects very understandable. In short, everything I’m not. Like me. In addition to his blog, JL’s written a few books. The most recent is Pathfinders: Extraordinary Stories of People Like You on the Quest for…