Notwithstanding recent events that . . . ummm . . . show the United States in a hair-raising, house-is-on-fire, sound-the-alarm-bells poor light, I’m incredibly proud and privileged to be an American. But while I think that we Americans as a group have any number of traits to be admired and that distinguish us (hello, creativity,…
Headphone Lessons
FIRE bloggers often warn against sacrificing things that bring you real joy (so long as they’re not harmful to others, of course). Maybe you can be creative and hack the expense. Or enjoy the item/service less often but more intensely. But it can be counterproductive to give it up altogether. I agree. Unfortunately for me…
American Beauty
I recently took a walk down one of the more beautiful streets in our city. . . . I should clarify. The actual street itself wasn’t beautiful. After all, asphalt is asphalt is asphalt. I think it was Einstein who said that. No, maybe Voltaire. OK, I confess. I’m not sure who said it. But…
360 Days
With deepest apologies to Carl—of the 1500 Days to Freedom Carls—who committed no sin grave enough to be associated with this blog, the title for this blog post shamelessly steals a bit of the concept behind his blog’s name. That is, similar to Carl setting the goal of FIREing 1,500 days from the launch of…
Good News for a Good Price
It’s been a minute since I last wrote a gratitude-focused post. Not because I’m not grateful. Anything but. Every . . . single . . . day I think about how incredibly fortunate I am. My embarrassment of riches—monetary and nonmonetary alike—is just that: embarrassing. But as I wrote earlier this year, 2020 has been…
Are You Trapping Yourself?
I have mixed feelings about LinkedIn, “the professional social network.” On one hand, it’s a potential time-suck useful tool for networking and finding out more about companies, jobs, and people. But on the other hand, it’s a platform for peacocks, humblebraggers, and brownnosers. So, I generally take items that pop up in my LinkedIn feed…
My Why-FI
I’ve often lamented that I don’t get why anyone who learns about FIRE doesn’t immediately drop everything and dive right into pursuing it. After all, I did. But why?! Why wouldn’t one be at least intrigued by FIRE, if not laser-focused on pursuing it? I can’t know for sure, but I have some ideas: they…
Wee We Wins: My Calling
It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post for my so immaturely named We We Wins series. Today, Dear Reader, we rectify what I am sure you will agree is a grievous injustice. Cable bodied Before discovering FIRE, I’d heard plenty of times that one should contact certain vendors, service providers and…
Point Guard
Last week was Thanksgiving in the United States. It’s my favorite holiday, if for no other reason than it’s the one day of the year when my normal gluttonous ways are not looked upon with horror and disgust (wholly warranted btw). Rather, they’re met with some measure of amusement, bordering on respect. Or so I…
I’m in the Wrong Line of Work
Since the time the albatross that was my law school loans were paid off (at a decently aggressive rate, but probably not the house-is-on-fire-throw-everything-you-can-at-them rate that a certain mustachioed blogger might have screamed at me), we’ve lived beneath our means and saved money. We could have saved more. A fair amount more. And we could…