I have a painful admission to make. I’m a FI-blog junkie. It’s better than being a junkie of the more, shall we say, conventional sort. But it’s not without its problems. For example, since starting to read FI blogs I have since (re-)grown a mustache, which sort of makes me look like a sort-of backwoods…
Foregeative Experiences: Property, Oh Brothers!
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I didn’t get a lot of good or bad money advice growing up, other than generally to be frugal. As I’ve also mentioned, I learned that lesson pretty well. Too well in some cases. I got my degree in Financialmoneynomics from the School of Hard Knocks, or “the SHaK,”…
Phoning It in
Dear Reader, please indulge me by closing your eyes and taking a trip to Imaginationland. Picture if you will a land in which there are no smartphones. In fact, there aren’t even any cell phones, let alone ones you can fit in anything smaller than a small backpack. My readers of a certain age may…
Forgeative Experiences: Rip Van Hoodwinkle
Welcome to another post in my Forgeative Experiences series, in which I bore entertain you, Dear Reader, with stories of events that have shaped me and my approach to money/investing. Your all-but-assured mocking of me may not be welcomed, but it’ll certainly be expected. No, nothing party Growing up, my dad and step-mother owned a…
Together and Apart(ment)
Until I scampered off to college, I mostly lived in single-family houses or townhouses. In college, I lived in multi-unit buildings, but when home for the summer, it was to a house I returned. After graduating college, I left my parents’ place/house for my own apartment in the city. That den of what I wish…
Time to Throw the Changeup
Dear Reader, this post is somewhat of a follow-up on my last post, America and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad 2020. But in this post I’ll address an issue more in line with what I normally babble about. HEY! C’mon! Wake up! I see you nodding off! With regard to current events in…
America and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad 2020
Today I’m detouring from writing about the subjects I started this blog to muse about. And as I now start my clickety-clacketying on the keyboard, I’m not sure whether this post will be super-depressing, mildly hopeful, or somewhere in between. I’ll be happy if it doesn’t put you to sleep. Low bar I set for…
A Hip Hop . . . to the Hip Hip Hop and You Don’t Stop
I am so, so . . . so ancient have been a working-stiff for a long while now. I’ve never been a serial job hopper but have had several employers. And within several jobs I saw leadership changes at my level and the organization-wide level that resulted in all but a new workplace/environment. So I’ve…
I’m Not Dead, But Am I Living?
This morning, like every morning since The So, So Long Ago I was born, I woke up. Super proud of myself, I promptly checked off item number one on my daily to-do list: stay alive. Yay me! #winners. So I can say with no small measure of certainty that I am, in fact, not dead. But…
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (Part Two)
Welcome back, Dear Reader, to part two of my post on how to succeed in your job by means not necessarily part of conventional wisdom. In part one, I yammered on and on and on about discussed the following things almost anyone can pretty easily do that’ll increase your likelihood of success in the workplace:…