Those of my 1s of Dear Readers who are old like me were adults at the time of the George “Dubya” Bush U.S. presidency from 2001–2009 may remember Dubya’s secretary of state, Donald “Rummy” Rumsfeld. Said Dear Readers likely will recall that he was . . . uuummm . . . somewhat controversial. And by…
Ill Suited
Last fall I started seeing an icon for the TV show Suits when I’d fire up Netflix. The icon was eye-appealing enough for me to make a note to myself to look into the show details. In the meantime, I met someone who’d watched the show. She explained that it’s about a buncha lawyers in…
One of my mentees (whom we’ll call Pat . . . because why not) in a mentoring program I’m involved with will graduate from high school the week this blog post goes live. Pat’s bright, capable, and an eager learner open to new information and perspectives. But when it comes to personal finance education, Pat’s…
Job #1 . . . and #2 . . . and #3 . . .
I’ve had lotsa jobs since I started working while in high school. Some great. Some meh. A few dreadful. I detailed several in part in my Money, Man! series of posts. I’ve thought of this a lot recently because of the recent mild disruption that I shrugged aft sturm und drang with my part-time job….
Good Job
I’m an old and decrepit guy. Having gotten my first job as a teenager and my first full-time job out of college so, so very long time a while ago, I’ve been I was in the workforce for several decades. But in all that time, you know one thing I never faced, Dear Reader? A…
Space Camp for Money Nerds
I first learned of FIRE in 2016 by way of a New Yorker article on Mr. Money Mustache (MMM). The piece referenced MMM’s blog, to which I soon thereafter headed. Before then, I don’t know if I’d ever read a single blog post, or listened to a podcast episode. On any subject. MMM’s blog blew…
Getting From No Can Do to No, Can Do
On the scale ranging from cockeyed optimists to the-world-is-ending pessimists, I’ve always been firmly closer to the latter than the former. Nature? Nurture? I dunno. Prob’ly both. My parents were both muscle-flexing pessimists. Mom was all but a conspiracy theorist as to how people like us were destined to stay firmly under the heel of…
Wee We Wins: Sofa, So Good
Dear Reader, it’s been a minute since I wrote a Wee We Wins blog post. Well, actually, it’s been a little longer than a minute. Like 1.67 million more minutes. Oops. In these Wee We Wins pots, which I use an unapologetic excuse to engage in 12-year-old-boy humor I highlight ways we’ve increased the spread…
Missing Out
In my last few posts, I reflected on the ups and downs of my post-FIREing life. Dear Reader, you and I laughed a little at those reflections. And we cried. It was as boring emotional as it was tedious insightful. Well, as if all that wasn’t enough I’m still feeling a little reflective. So, I…
Post up
In my last post, I tortured regaled you, Dear Readers, with updates of whats I been up to since having FIREd a few years ago. Specifically, as to things I’d, pre-FIRE, hoped to accomplish or experience after FIREing. Surely you were bored to tears enthralled by my report, in which I related a mixed bag…