Dear Reader, your humble blogger here has long been hard to impress or surprise. He’s seen his fair share of great things . . . and goofiness. Experienced a decent amount in his many, many, . . . many years on this blue marble we call Earth. And developed a rather expansive view of humanity…
Life Changing
As I mentioned in my last post, I took a low- to no-stress part-time job earlier this year. It doesn’t pay baller money. But, then, that wasn’t really my objective. Rather, the intent was to earn a little money so that I could kick down the road the can that is my needing to withdraw…
Money, Man!: Coda
Hello, Dear Reader! For the 1s legions of you who read my last post, you’d have had good reason to believe that, at long last, my Money Man series of posts had finally come to an end. Well, as it turns out, it ain’t necessarily so. I’ve decided to put a tombstone capstone on the…
Money, Man!: Part XII
Welcome, Dear Reader, to . . . wwwaaait for it . . . THE LAST post in my series on how my job experiences and my relationship with money brought me to wanting to FIRE. Wow. Twelve (or should I say, XII) posts! Three months of rambling installments! If you’ve read all of the posts…
Money, Man!: Part XI
Welcome, Dear Reader, to Part XI of my series of posts on how my job experiences and my relationship with money brought me to wanting to FIRE. Eek! Eleven installments?! And I’m still not done?! This is gettin’ out of control! Anyhoo, to read past posts here are links to Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part…
Money, Man!: Part X
Welcome, Dear Reader, to Part X of my series of posts on how my job experiences and my relationship with money brought me to wanting to FIRE. Yowza! That’s far, far . . . far too many a lotta posts! In case you’re new to the series, or wanna relive the misery good old times…
Money, Man!: Part IX
Hola, Dear Reader! I’m amazed pleased as punch that you’ve come here (surely by pure and unfortunate accident) for Part IX of my plodding series of posts on how my job experiences and my relationship with money brought me to wanting to FIRE. Should you want to suffer through read prior posts in this series,…
Money, Man!: Part VIII
Hiya, Dear Reader! I’m dumbfounded delighted that you’re here for Part VIII of my lumbering series of posts on how my job experiences and my relationship with money brought me to wanting to FIRE. Should you want to drown yourself in peruse prior posts in this series, here are links to Part I, Part II,…
Money, Man!: Part VII
Hello again, Dear Reader! Welcome to Part VII of my never-ending series of posts on how my job experiences and my relationship with money brought me to wanting to FIRE. Should you want to drown yourself in peruse prior posts in this series, here are links to Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV,…
Money, Man!: Part VI
Welcome back, Dear Reader! In this blog post, Part VI of my slog of a series of posts on my relationship with money, my job experiences, and how all that combined to making me want to FIRE, I’ll get more into my time with Employer #5. For those of you who’ve not been following along…