Hello, Dear Reader! Welcome to Part V of my death march of a multipart series of posts on my experience with, and feelings about, money, and how those things and my experiences working brought me to wanting to FIRE. Here are links to Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV of the series. …
Money, Man!: Part IV
Hello, Dear Reader! Welcome to Part IV of my tedious multipart series of posts on my experience with, and feelings about, money, and how that and my experiences in the workplace brought me to wanting to FIRE. Here are links to Part I, Part II, and Part III of the series. Employer #3 Boss #6…
Money, Man!: Part III
Hello, Dear Reader! Welcome to Part III of this excruciatingly tedious multipart series of posts on my experience with, and feelings about, money, and how those things and my job experiences brought me to wanting to FIRE. Here are links to Part I and Part II of the series for those of you who are…
Money, Man!: Part II
Hello, Dear Reader! Welcome to Part II of my unending multipart series of posts on my experience with, and feelings about, money, and how those things and my experiences working brought me to wanting to FIRE. Here’s a link to Part I of the series. The Beforetimes Part 3 I got my first real job…
Money, Man!: Part I
During the first half of 2021, I belatedly discovered the Living a FI (LAF) blog. It took me a minute to understand its wild popularity in the FIRE community. But after binge reading the entire blog—including several epic, multipart posts—it all clicked. I found his “The Job Experience” series of posts to be his best…
Man in Emotion
When it comes to keeping my emotions in check, I’m a bit of a puzzle. On the one hand, I can be quick to ire. I’ve been known to throw up my arms at everything from people who cut me off in traffic to people not returning calls or emails to business interests screwing workers…
Crunch Time
January 1, 2022, was a good day for me. A fantastic day in fact. Why? Well, because it was day one of my post-FIREing life. That triumphant day followed a long, winding, multidecade road that was full of plenty of challenges and not just a few victories, smartish moves, and copious amounts of luck. Having…
Traded Places
In my last post, I wrote about how, since FIREing, I seem to be finding my way to enjoying and living more in the moment than I have in decades. During my working days after starting to pursue FIRE, that was something I’d hoped would happen. Whether it actually would, however, was an open question….
Owed to a Beautiful Day
I live in the American Mountain West, an objectively beautiful part of the world, with generally fantastic weather most of the year. It’s a major reason we moved here from the American Midwest, where the weather sssuuuccckkkssss is decidedly not like that. Whereas I complained . . . every . . . single . ….
From “We Can’t Lose!” to “Welp, at Least We Didn’t Lose Anything!”
The Family’s move from the American Midwest to the country’s Mountain West a few years back was 100% driven by me. That said, I sought—and got—buy-in from The Missus, Thing One (The Elder) and Thing Two (The Younger) before we actually decided to move. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans. …