In my last post, I wrote about how, since FIREing, I seem to be finding my way to enjoying and living more in the moment than I have in decades. During my working days after starting to pursue FIRE, that was something I’d hoped would happen. Whether it actually would, however, was an open question….
Owed to a Beautiful Day
I live in the American Mountain West, an objectively beautiful part of the world, with generally fantastic weather most of the year. It’s a major reason we moved here from the American Midwest, where the weather sssuuuccckkkssss is decidedly not like that. Whereas I complained . . . every . . . single . ….
From “We Can’t Lose!” to “Welp, at Least We Didn’t Lose Anything!”
The Family’s move from the American Midwest to the country’s Mountain West a few years back was 100% driven by me. That said, I sought—and got—buy-in from The Missus, Thing One (The Elder) and Thing Two (The Younger) before we actually decided to move. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans. …
And Then There Was None
I’ve just spent(?) finished(?) experienced(?) enjoyed(?) my first week-and-some since FIREing. Not gonna lie—it was very nice . . . and. . . uuuhhh . . . weird. I hadn’t really thought about what it’d actually feel like. Or even thought to think what it’d feel like. Ooohhh! That’s sorta meta, isn’t it Dear Reader?…
Forward Looking: Phase I’m out
A little less than a year ago, I posted on this here blog that I planned to FIRE at the end of the year. The ensuing year has been . . . uuummm . . . a little bumpy for the world (looking at you, the ‘rona). My life hasn’t escaped said bumpiness. Some personal…
A Tribe Called to Quest
I recently went to a FIRE-community event and had a grand old time. It was really great talking to people who not only are into FIRE as a concept and a goal, but who are passionate in their quest for it. Just as fantastic was being able to talk to people on the same wavelength…
Forward Looking: I Would Like to See Your Backside
Welcome to another installment of my “Forward Looking” series of posts, in which I cover things that I’m either looking forward to, or seeing how they’ll unfold, when I FIRE. Colleague bound I’ve worked with loads of great people over the years. Definitely in the smallish groups within which I most directly worked. But also,…
Mock One
Almost everyone I’ve talked to about the subject of FIRE—both the FI and the RE parts—has shown little if any interest. That bothers me a bit. In fact, as I recently explained, I often find it highly dispiriting. But what’s bothered me a lot is that some people have mocked me about my FIRE plans….
Forward Looking: Reevaluating the Weight of Things
Welcome to another installment of my “Forward Looking” series of posts, in which I cover things that I’m either looking forward to experiencing, or seeing how they’ll unfold, when I FIRE. Minimal effort Not too long after I discovered FIRE, I encountered a mention of the Minimalists. I was intrigued by what I read, but…
Secrets and Lies
Like a lot of people who discovered FIRE and had a consequent lightbulb moment (if not immediately, then at some point), I thought everyone should and would want to know about it, too. So, I told The Missus and some friends. Then I told some colleagues and other family members. Yay me for spreading useful,…