Every so often I find some money. On the street. Under a cushion. In a drawer. You’ve probably had the same experience. Even when (in the case of the drawer or cushion finds, for sure) the money was mine to begin with, I still get not just a wee bit happy when these finds happen….
Take a Walk
It’s been a pretty heavy travel year in the FI for the People household—and for me in particular. In the last four months or so, I’ve had occasion to visit places in Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Utah, and Wyoming. Later this year, I’ll be in Illinois. I began writing this blog…
Sounds Like a No Plan
I recently traveled to New York City to pick up and fly back home with Thing One (The Elder), who was returning from an overseas trip. I love New York. And not because that phrase—on t-shirts, hats, marketing materials, and so much more—commands people to do so. No, I genuinely love the place. I’m pretty…
Site Seeing: The Good Doctor
As I perused a helpful website I’ve taken to regularly visiting over the last year or so, it dawned on me that it might be useful for others if I highlighted sites that I enjoy and have benefitted from financially (and, perhaps, otherwise). And for readers to maybe share the same. So, I consulted with…
How to Not Go to Law School
As I’ve mentioned on this here blog several times, after I finished my undergrad studies I went to law school. Undergrad, which was at a state school and pretty cheap, was funded by the Bank of The Parents. I’m grateful for that. Law school, on the other hand, was funded by the Bank of Me….
The Working Lives of Others
I’ve had occasion to have taken a few long weekend trips recently. The first was with a buddy of mine, whom I’ll call Danny. Finding himself between jobs, Danny had called me earlier this year and asked if I wanted to go on a road trip. I jumped at the chance. We had all sorts…
The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Warp
Last year, when the ‘rona began ravaging Wuhan, China, I reacted as I suspect a lot of people elsewhere—and certainly in the United States—did. It seemed so terrible and tragic. And, when the Chinese government shut the city down, completely surreal. What with the empty streets and all in a city of millions. Soon thereafter…
Forward Looking: Moving Along the Time-Money Continuum
Welcome to another installment of my “Forward Looking” series of posts, in which I cover things that I’m either looking forward to experiencing, or seeing how they’ll unfold, when I FIRE. Carl up and listen Hear ye, hear ye. Let it be known that a newish FIRE podcast—Mile High FI Podcast—is now available for your…
Smoke and Mirrors
A while back, we got together with one of The Missus’ childhood friends. The topics of our meandering discussion were many. But at one point Our Guest brought up the husband of a mutual childhood friend of The Missus and Our Guest. Let’s call that husband person “Shlomo.” Because I like the name “Shlomo.” And,…
Clue Less
Last week, I wrote about my embarrassingly belated discovery of the blog, “Living a FI,” written by LAF. Now having binge read the blog, I find that many things from it stayed with me. Most are at the macro level. Some are themes or topics specific to individual posts. But, in one instance, it’s a…