In my last post, I mentioned that this blog was, to put it charitably, a long time in the brain making. One reason for that — in addition to my own failings — is that there are already so many great content producers covering FIRE, personal finance, travel hacking and other related subjects. Frankly, I was pretty sure I had nothing of value to add. You will not be faulted, Dear Reader, for soon discovering that, in fact, I do not. You may already have reached that perfectly reasonable conclusion.
But as you may have surmised, my ego was big enough to lead me to decide to saunter down this bloggin’ road. Actually, in fairness to me — and I am rarely fair to myself — I decided to launch FI for the People for me to have an outlet to scribble (query: can posting online be described as such?) some of my musings.
It is my immensely great fortune to have benefitted from the insights of dozens of the aforementioned content producers. And so I want to do right by formally thanking them, even if they never find this blog post.
They’re grrreat!

In no particular order, except for the top spot, they include (although I know the actual names of many of the bloggers, I am just listing the blog names):
Thoughts of an Anonymous Lawyer
There surely are blogs I have followed (or at least learned from) that I am forgetting here. For that I sincerely apologize and say that the omissions are unintentional. Suffice it to say, if you’re writing on FIRE, personal finance, travel hacking and other related subjects, I’ve likely benefited from what you have imparted.
I also have some other thank yous I want to mention here, again, in no particular order, except for the top spot:

The New Yorker, for introducing me to MMM and FIRE.
The Economist, the greatest magazine in the world and a publication from which I have learned — and continue to learn — an immeasurable amount on the subject of world affairs (my decades-long passion) and money/finance/economics.
My family and teachers, for instilling in me a love for reading, learning, and critical thinking, which is what led me to The New Yorker article noted above.
The United States, my home country, which has given me more opportunities than any one person should be allowed.
I hope you also have things to be thankful for.